Eucalyptus baueriana subsp. thalassina

Other Names

Werribee Blue Box ,  Les' Landing


Werribee River , HOPETOUN PARK VIC 3340 - Property No T12433

File Number




Statement of Significance

What is significant?

This Werribee Blue Box grows on the northern bank of the Werribee River in Hopetoun Park, along a green corridor to the south of residential housing. This area is part of the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri people.

It is an outstandingly talltwo-trunked specimen. Both trunks are hollow and have been burnt out.

There are a number of Werribee Blue Boxes along this section of the catchment, with at least 3 considered to be ofRegionalsignificance (T12431, T12432, T12433). Several other specimens in the area are currently being assessed.

How is it significant?

ThisWerribee Blue Boxissignificant forscientificreasonsattheRegionallevel.

Why is it significant?

This tree is scientifically significant for outstanding size, age and rarity, and as an important source of seed.

The Werribee Blue Box was first identified as a morphologically distinct subspecies ofEucalyptusbauerianain 2011, and is classified as endangered in Victoria.Its distribution is restricted to the Werribee River catchment around Bacchus Marsh and downstream, growing close to watercourses and drainage lines in alluvial soils. The Werribee Blue Box population is estimated to be only a few thousand, most of which occur in the northern part of the distribution along theCoidamaiandDjerriwahrrCreeks, which flow through Lake Merrimu Reservoir Reserve and Long Forest Flora Reserve.

This is a large and healthy two-trunked specimen. The species is typically a small tree averaging 3-12m tall, however this specimen reaches a height of20.6mand is the tallest of its kind in the area.


Tree Type:Individual



Canopy spread:8m

Height method:Instrument

Circumference method: Tape Measure

Date of measurement:07/04/2010

Ageof tree: approximately 200+years


Parks, Gardens and Trees

