Quercus robur

Other Name

English Oak


51 Overnewton Close Keilor, BRIMBANK CITY

File Number




Statement of Significance

What is significant?

This English Oak grows in the garden of Overnewton in Keilor. It is in good health with a dense canopy.

How is it significant?

This English Oak is significant for scientific, social and historical reasons at the Regional level.

Why is it significant?

This English Oak is outstanding for its size, with a circumference of 5.5m, canopy spread of 23m, and height of 13.8m. It is located in the gardens of Overnewton, a Scottish Baronial style home built in 1859. It is believed the tree was planted in 1849 to mark the building of the original homestead, and makes a significant contribution to the landscape of this historic garden. The English Oak is popular location for wedding photos.

The bluestone buildings of the gatehouse and homestead complex are included in the National Trust Heritage Register (B0945).

Tree Measurements:

Condition: Good

Tree Type: Individual

Circumference: 5.5m

Height: 13.8m

Canopy spread: 23m

Height method: Other

Circumference method: Tape Measure

Date of measurement: 12 November 2019

Age of tree: 170 years (planted 1849)


Parks, Gardens and Trees

