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Other NameMoreton Bay Fig Location51 Langhorne Street DANDENONG, GREATER DANDENONG CITY
File NumberT12380LevelRegional |
Northern tree: Circumference: 3.9m Height: 17m Canopy spread: 30m Height method: Instrument Circumference method: Tape Measure Southern tree: Circumference: 3.2m Height: 16m Canopy spread: 28m Height method: Instrument Circumference method: Tape Measure Date of measurement: November 2018 Age of tree: approximately 126 years (planted c1893)
What is significant?
Two large Ficus macrophylla (Moreton Bay Figs) located in the
front garden of Laurel Lodge in Dandenong.
How is it significant?
The two Ficus macrophylla (Moreton Bay Figs) are significant
for social, scientific and historic reasons at Regional level.
Why is it significant?
These two large Ficus macrophylla (Moreton Bay Figs) are in good
health with a dense canopy. They are particularly old, lining the
original driveway to Laurel Lodge. Built in 1869, Laurel Lodge is one
of few remaining significant old homes left in the Dandenong area from
the Victorian era. These two Moreton Bay Fig trees are outstanding for
their height of 26m, canopy spread of between 22m and 32m and
circumference of 8 and 9m. They make a significant contribution to the
landscape of this historic garden. These trees are part of a grouping
of 3 trees at the property, including a Queensland Kauri (T12381).
Laurel Lodge is included in the National Trust Heritage Register,
B3195 (Local significance).
Parks, Gardens and Trees