Ficus macrophylla

Other Name

Moreton Bay Fig


205 Wahring-Murchison East Road WAHRING, STRATHBOGIE SHIRE

File Number




Statement of Significance

Condition: Very good
Tree Type: Individual
Circumference: 9.85m
Height: 27m
Canopy spread north-south: 36m
Canopy spread east-west: 29m
Height method: Instrument
Circumference method: Tape measure
Date of measurement: 06/05/2017
Date planted: 01/01/1877
Date of germination:
Dates are approximate? Yes

This Moreton Bay fig is an outstanding visual specimen with an incredibly broad single trunk. The canopy has an almost perfect radial symmetry and the root structure above ground is broad and impressive. The tree is located in the gardens of the Noorilim Homestead, to the east of the lake in front of the Italianate mansion.

This Ficus macrophylla (Moreton Bay Fig) is significant for aesthetic and historic reasons at State level.

This Moreton Bay fig makes a contribution to the surrounding landscape of Noorilim Homestead, forming a significant feature of the historic garden. It is of outstanding aesthetic significance with extensive exposed radial roots around the single trunk measuring 18m north-south and 17.5m east-west. This is greater than any other known fig in Victoria and is similar to how the species grows in the wild.

Classified 06/09/2017


Parks, Gardens and Trees

