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Other NameRiver Red Gum Location1580 Bacchus Marsh Road ANAKIE, GREATER GEELONG CITY
File NumberT12300LevelRegional |
Remnant (Scientific) Landscape (Social) Species/Location (Aesthetic) This River Red Gum is significant at a Regional level for its contribution to the landscape, for aesthetic significance as a better than average example of its species in its location, and as a remnant tree. The tree is an aesthetically-pleasing specimen with a spreading canopy that touches the ground, and it makes a fine contribution to the pastoral landscape against the backdrop of the You Yangs Historic Park. It is also the most aesthetically pleasing of the many River Red Gums that line Hovells Creek at Wooloomanata. Measurements: 2015 Spread (m): N-S 30.4, E-W 30.1 Girth (m): 5.1 Height (m): 16 Estimated Age (yrs): 250 Condition: Good Access: Restricted Classified: 22/03/2016
Parks, Gardens and Trees