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Other NameRiver Red Gum LocationCobbledicks Ford Road WYNDHAM VALE, WYNDHAM CITY
File NumberT12305LevelRegional |
Remnant (Scientific) Outstanding size (Scientific) Outstanding species (Scientific) Attractive (Aesthetic) Outstanding example of a large tree that Wyndham is lacking due to soil type and rainfall. This tree is a candidate for being the oldest tree in excellent condition in the Western side of Melbourne. The tree has great vitality and vigour and will likely survive many more years. It is of outstanding health and form with the scaffold branches initiating quite high for this species because of the low point that the tree is living in. Its canopy is full of foliage and has outstanding branch structure and canopy spread. This is the most attractive Red Gum in Wyndham. Measurements: 2014 Spread (m): N-S 30, E-W 33 Girth (m): 8.5 Height (m): 23 Estimated Age (yrs): 500 Condition: Good Access: Restricted Classified: 01/06/2016
Parks, Gardens and Trees