Araucaria bidwillii

Other Name

Bunya Pine


Former Mayday Hills Hospital, Albert Road, Beechworth, INDIGO SHIRE

File Number




Statement of Significance

Horticultural value
Contribution to landscape of historic garden
Particularly old
Outstanding size
Aesthetic value
Historical value

This specimen was planted by the gardeners/patients in the Turning Circle at the front entrance of the hospital.
Mayday Hills Hospital was developed as the Beechworth Lunatic Asylum in 1864-67 with gardens and grounds laid out at this time and rejuvenated since 1913.
The collection of mature trees and plants is exceptional with many dating from the mid to late nineteenth century and others from the post 1913 work of Hugh Linaker and later curators. The efforts of grounds staff over the decades has created a succession plan that extends beyond the lifespan of the 19th century plantings.
It has become one of the top 5 collections of trees in Victoria (John Hawker)

Measurements: 29/08/2013
Height (m): 30
Canopy Spread (m): 7
Girth (m): 4.7
Estimated Age (yrs): 100
Condition: Good

Access: Unrestricted
Classified: 05/03/2014


Parks, Gardens and Trees

