Eucalyptus viminalis

Other Name

Manna Gum


Manna Park, Cnr Hyland and Court Streets,, FOSTER VIC 3960 - Property No T12205

File Number




Statement of Significance

Particularly old and venerable
Outstanding size
Outstanding example of species

This Manna Gum (Eucalyptus viminalis) is an outstanding example of the species. It is a large, impressive tree and makes a considerable contribution to the landscape. It is one of the few remaining trees left after colonisation of the area 100 years ago.
The local community have incorporated the tree into a park, "Manna Park", named after the tree. There is no recorded history of a relationship between the local area and the tree.
This specimen has a large symmetrical canopy and is in excellent health. It appears that it is growing and the southermost end of its geographical range.

Measurement: 12/2012
Spread (m): E-W 27; N-S 27
Girth (m): 7
Height (m): 28
Estimated Age (yrs): 100+
Condition: Good

Access: Unrestricted
Classified: 20/05/2013


Parks, Gardens and Trees

