W Goetz & Sons Ltd Complex (Former)


136-140 Hall Street SPOTSWOOD, Hobsons Bay City


Included in Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

What is Significant?

The W Goetz & Sons Ltd complex (former) comprising the offices, factory and caretakers residence, constructed by JG Shillitow in 1939, at 136-140 Hall Street, Spotswood.

How is it Significant?

The W Goetz & Sons Ltd complex is of local historic and aesthetic significance to the City of Hobsons Bay.

Why is it Significant?

Historically, it is significant as an intact industrial complex, which demonstrates the scale of development that occurred in Newport and Spotswood during the Interwar period when it became one of the most important and largest industrial centres in Melbourne. (AHC criterion A4 and D2)

Aesthetically, it is significant as a superior and intact example of a Moderne factory building, which is one of the few examples in the municipality. (AHC criteria B2 and E1)




Other - Commercial