Krongold House

Other Name

Krongold House


25 Studley Park Road KEW, Boroondara City


Included in Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

The Krongold House, at 25 Studley Park Road, Kew, is of local historical and architectural significance as an interesting and externally highly intact example of residential design of the late 1950s. In its overall approach, it appears to draw on the precepts of New Objectivity, a particular strand of modernism current in the late 1920s and early 1930s, in which a deliberately deadpan architecture was fostered as a neutral arena for social and political action. It varies from the better known architect-designed houses of the period in the Kew area in its understated form and use of a subdued palette of colours. The incorporation in the design of an enclosed courtyard is relatively early.


Residential buildings (private)

