Quercus canariensis

Other Name

Algerian Oak


Martin Street,, BLACKWOOD VIC 3458 - Property No T12141

File Number




Statement of Significance

Particularly old and venerable
Outstanding size
Outstanding aesthetic significance
Outstanding example of species

This tree is a very large and mature example of Quercus canariensis and makes a significant contribution to the landscape of Blackwood. It is the dominant tree and its physical size provides a focal point within the town and an enormous sense of scale to the entire Martin Street landscape.
From Heritage Victoria documents, it is believed that the tree was planted in 1894, and may be associated with the gold rush period. It is believed to have been planted by the Cann family to mark the 50th birthday of Rebecca Cann.

Measurements: 08/12/2009
Spread (m): E-W 30.5; N-S 31.0
Girth (m): 5.67
Height (m): 19
Estimated Age (yrs): 115
Condition: Good

Access: Restricted
Classified: 04/12/2012


Parks, Gardens and Trees

