Former McBride building, 51 Napier Street, ST ARNAUD




Recommended for Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

The form, height, scale and particularly the parapet of the former McBride building, 51 Napier Street, St. Arnaud, contributes to the architectural amenity of the predominantly Victorian and Federation streetscape. Originally built in c.1864 for Hazle and McBride General Merchants, the building was renovated and extended into a triple fronted shop in 1874 by Peter McBride. At that time, the building was characterised by an elegant skillion verandah supported by timber columns with moulded capitals and decorative brackets, as well as elegantly proportioned valance hoardings. The shopfront were also timber framed with ingoes and stall boards. The building was owned and operated by the McBride family until 1913, when it was sold to Oliver Gilpin, one of the earliest chain store operators in Victoria.

Although altered, the former McBride building is architecturally significant at a LOCAL level. It still demonstrates some original design qualities of a rudimentary Victorian commercial style. These qualities include the single storey composition with dominant rendered parapets having simple projecting and dentillated cornices along the upper reaches, end and corner pilaster/piers and incised rectangular panels, and moulded cornices.

The former McBride building is historically significant at a LOCAL level. It is associated with the development of Hazle and McBride General Merchants store from c.1864, with an implement and timber yard behind the building. It is also associated with renovations and extensions in 1874 that were carried by Peter McBride, resulting in a triple fronted shop having timber framed shopfronts with ingoes and stall boards, and an elegant return skillion verandah on timber columns with capital moulds and decorative brackets. The premises were owned by the McBride family until 1913, when it was sold to Oliver Gilpin, one of the earliest chain store operators in Victoria.

The former McBride building is socially significant at LOCAL level. It is recognised by the St. Arnaud community as having public value as one of the 19th century commercial buildings in the town, operated by the early business family, the McBrides.

Overall, the former McBride building is of LOCAL significance.


Retail and Wholesale

