Ulmus procera

Other Name

English Elm Avenue


Fitzroy Gardens, Clarendon Street, EAST MELBOURNE VIC 3002 - Property No T11885

File Number




Statement of Significance

Contribution to the historic garden
Aesthetic significance

The Fitzroy Gardens owe their design, circa 1848,to a Scottish landscape architect, James Sinclair, who laid out the pathways roughly in the shape of the Union Jack. The paths were lined with elms, cedars and oaks. Subsequent gardeners added trees more or less randomly, so that today the original design concept is all but lost. The elms which have been identified as Ulmus x hollandica, Ulmus x vegeta, and Ulmus glabra x U. plottii were plantedclosely together in the European tradition. In the more mild Melbourne climate, this has resulted in pyramidal, deeply-crotched trees rather than wide spreading stronger specimens. Thus many of the tree are 'weeping' from the V crotch and subject to sudden branch fall

Measurements: 03/1982
Spread (m): 15
Girth (m): 4
Height (m): 28
Estimated Age (yrs): 129
Condition: Good-Fair

Average Measurements: 21/11/2010
Spread (m): 15
Girth (m): 3.5
Height (m): 28
Estimated Age (yrs): 157
Condition: Fair

Access: Unrestricted
Classified: 25/03/1982.


Parks, Gardens and Trees


Tree groups - avenue