Bursaria spinosa

Other Name

Sweet Bursaria


Indigenous Grassland Bed, Observatory Birdwood Avenue, MELBOURNE VIC 3004 - Property No T11847

File Number




Statement of Significance

Remnant native vegetation
Outstanding size

Originally a small stand of trees near the Astronomer's residence, consisting of five mature trees, one smaller shrub and one solitary specimen near the Caretaker's Cottage.
Only one of the original trees remain. All others have failed or been removed.
This tree is part of the original vegetation of the area, which included nearby Eucalyptus mellidora, E. camaldulensis, and E. viminalis.
The smaller trees are all sourced from the original trees growing at the site

Measurements: 06/2003
Spread (m): 8
Girth (m): 1
Height (m): 8
Estimated Age (yrs): 171
Condition: Good

Measurements: 29/10/2010 (remaining tree)
Spread (m): E- W 8; N- S 6
Girth (m): 1
Height (m): 8
Condition: Good

Access: Unrestricted
Classified: 25/03/1982


Parks, Gardens and Trees

