Melaleuca lanceolata

Other Name



Vicinity of Century, Princes, Henry and Stringer Streets, BLAIRGOWRIE VIC 3942 - Property No T11568

File Number




Statement of Significance

Location or Context: remnant native vegetation

Closed scrub containing Melaleuca lanceolata, Leptospermum laevigatum, Acacia retinodes, Leucopogon parviflorus. Understory included Pimelea serpyllifolia and Clematis microphylla. The Moonah seems to be confined to 2 ridges and gully, and area of some 300 x 300 metres. Already a dirt road cuts through the stand and houses have been built on the extremities. There would be approximately 300 Moonah trees of various ages, very old to immature, in the area

File note 2011: Area completely subdivided and houses cover the original plot. However many trees still remain and are in good condition. Trees are mostly on nature strips or in the front yards of houses.

Measurements: 08/1982
Spread (m): 10
Girth (m): 1
Height (m): 4
Estimated Age (yrs): 150
Condition: Good

Measurements: 16/10/2011
Spread (m): 5
Girth (m): 1
Height (m): 5
Condition: Good

Access: Unrestricted ( Restricted on private property)
Classified: 18/08/1982


Parks, Gardens and Trees


Tree groups - avenue