Picea abies

Other Name

Norway Spruce


Emerald Lake Park, south-west of carpark towards old nursery site,, EMERALD VIC 3782 - Property No T11133

File Number




Statement of Significance

Location or Context:
A tree which occurs in a unique location or context and so provides a contribution to the landscape.

Outstanding Size:
A tree outstanding for its large height, trunk circumference or canopy spread.

Outstanding Example of Species:
A tree that is an outstanding example of its species.

An outstanding specimen growing in an arboretum style park. The best of several examples of this species located in the park. It has many cones high on the tree.Other known examples of the species occur in the Ballarat Botanic Gardens, Mt Dandenong Arboretum and Korumburra Public Park.

This tree is located on the hill S-W of the carpark up the valley towards the old nursery site.

Measurements: 10/12/1990
Spread (m): 9.7
Girth (m): 2.27
Height (m): 26
Estimated Age (yrs): 80
Condition: Good

Measurements: 06/2011
Spread (m): 10 N-S, 11 E-W
Girth (m): 2.5
Height (m): 25
Condition: Good

Access: Unrestricted
Classified: 13/12/1990


Parks, Gardens and Trees

