Castanopsis cuspidata

Other Name



"Glen Harrow", Cole Avenue,, BELGRAVE VIC 3160 - Property No T11121

File Number




Statement of Significance

Horticultural Value:
A tree which is of horticultural or genetic value and could be an important source of propagating stock, including specimens that are particularly resistant to disease or exposure.

Location or Context:
A tree which occurs in a unique location or context and so provides a contribution to the landscape.

Rare or Localised:
A tree of a species or variety that is rare or of very localised distribution.

One of a pair of trees of this rare species - the only two known examples in cultivation in Victoria. Remnants of planting by JC Cole in his nursery circa1870 - 1880s. The trees are located in a tall closed forest of exotic trees. This particular specimen has a less interesting shape than the other example.

The tree is located S-W of the house.

Measurements: 22/10/1990
Spread (m): 8.5
Girth (m): multi-stemmed
Height (m): 8
Estimated Age (yrs): 90
Condition: Good

Access: Restricted
Classified: 25/10/1990


Parks, Gardens and Trees

