Dracaena draco

Other Name

Dragon's Blood Tree


605 High Street,, PRAHRAN VIC 3181 - Property No T11079

File Number




Statement of Significance

Rare or Localised:
A tree of a species or variety that is rare or of very localised distribution.

Outstanding Size:
A tree outstanding for its large height, trunk circumference or canopy spread.

Outstanding Example of Species:
A tree that is an outstanding example of its species.

This rare and unusual tree is the largest known in cultivation in Victoria, possibly Australia. The only other specimen resembling it in size and shape grows in the Sydney Botanic Gardens. This species is endemic to the Canary Islands and is listed on the World Rare& Endangered Species Register. This specimen is ofstate significance.

Measurements: circa 1982
Spread (m): 8.7
Girth (m): 1.65
Height (m): 5.3
Estimated Age (yrs): 100

Classified: 24/06/1982
Condition: Since removed


Parks, Gardens and Trees

