Bells Beach


BELLS BEACH VIC 3228 - Property No L10261

File Number




Statement of Significance

What is significant?

Bells Beach has major historical connections with the most important surfing events in Australia, including international competitions. A significant surf-related industry developed nearby (comprising two companies, Rip Curl and Quicksilver, based in Torquay and with international sales and overseas offices).

How is it significant?

Bells Beach is significant for historical, aesthetic, scientific and social reasons at an International level.

Why is it significant?

Bells Beach is of Local Significance for aesthetic value. It comprises an irregular coastline with rocky outcrops, steep cliffs, sandy beaches and coastal heathland.Vegetation in the Bells Beach Reserve is of State significance as it contains Coastal Moonah Woodland communities, Swamp Diuris, Bellarine Yellow Gums and Small Milkwort all of which are listed under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988, as threatened or vulnerable.

The vegetation provides valuable habitat for rare and endangered fauna species of State, regional and local significance.

The coastal, intertidal and marine environment of Bells Beach is considered of State and national significance and worthy of inclusion in a Marine National Park [the recommended Point Addis Marine National Park, Environment Conservation Council (ECC), 2000]. The ECC acknowledged as environmentally significant the distinctive invertebrate communities and the rugged cliffs and bluffs with species-rich heathlands. It also noted that the Point Addis limestone is of State geological significance.

The headlands and shore platforms are important for environmental study.

The long-standing association of Bells Beach with surfing has given it a social value of National Significance.

Surfing, environmental and traditional landowner groups place a social value on the area and participate in the management of Bells Beach to protect the sensitive environment and maintain its viability as a significant surfing venue.

Although surfing is the main pursuit in the area, there is a well used network of walking tracks with excellent views of the surf and surrounding coastal landscape. Other activities include boating, fishing, diving, sightseeing, swimming and relaxing on the beaches.

Classified 05/03/2000.

File Note: The significance status of Bells Beach was set at State on 05/03/2011


Landscape - Cultural


Other - Landscape - Cultural