Guggenheimer's Cottage

Other Name

Blackwood Cottage


Greendale-Trentham Road, Barrys Reef, BLACKWOOD VIC 3458 - Property No B3483

File Number




Statement of Significance

Guggenheimer's Cottage is a timber cottage built between 1855 and 1864 on the Blackwood-Trentham Road near the former gold mining town of Blackwood. Essentially symmetrical in elevation, the weatherboard cottage has a central doorway with twelve-pane windows to either side. The corrugated iron roof (originally shingles) is hipped with a lean-to extension. There is a timber verandah and a part brick, part stone chimney.
The Cottage forms part of the former gold mining town of Blackwood, important in landscape terms and as a surviving example of an isolated goldmining town of fairly temporary construction essentially, still remaining. This colonial style cottage is typical of techniques used to built it. It is also of particular added interest for its location, not on freehold land but on Crown land under residence site licence.
The Cottage is understood to be reasonably intact and in fair to good condition.
Classified: 12/06/1975


Residential buildings (private)

