Lord Harry Gold Mining Co Mine & Machinery


Northern slope, Birch Hill,, KINGSTON VIC 3364 - Property No B6002

File Number




Statement of Significance

This mine was one of the minor gold producers on the leads system. There was considerable difficulty with water and along with a number of other small mines in the area was nicknamed "the water tank'.
Pumping was performed with a 26 inch cylinder noncondensing horizontal steam engine - one of the largest of its type ever installed on a mine in Victoria - driving 18 inch pumps.
The mullock dump is particularly complete, the shaft remains open and one of the original boilers is still on site.
The mine is representative of smaller operations on the field which failed to become profitable because of the inability of the shareholders to provide sufficient capital to invest in the machinery necessary to overcome the considerable difficulties in opening up a mine on this lead system and to then operate it in an economical fashion.
Classified: 22/08/1988


Mining and Mineral Processing


Mine Machinery & relics