Andersons Mill


9 Alice Street,, SMEATON VIC 3364 - Property No B0041

File Number




Statement of Significance

Oatmeal Mill and Water Wheel, Smeaton, comprises a huge bluestone mill building, water wheel, bluestone office, chimney and various other associated structures, built for the Anderson family of millers and timber cutters from 1862 onwards. The ten bay mill building is four storeys high and has an attic storey in the gabled slate roof. The water wheel is 28ft in diameter and weighs 25 tons. The bluestone office and the chimney are distinctive.
Oatmeal Mill and Water Wheel comprise one of the most substantial and intact mill complexes in the country. The mill is possibly the largest mill erected in Victoria and is the most intact.
The Smeaton Mill is an important example of a nineteenth century industrial complex of buildings and its huge water wheel is an important surviving example of the technological phenomenon.
Stylistically, the mill is an excellent example of Georgian derived Colonial industrial design.
Oatmeal Mill and Water Wheel has been disused since 1962 and is in fair condition but deteriorated, the degree varying with the building/structure.
Classified: 31/01/1963


Manufacturing and Processing


Mill (Grain)