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Other NamesAradale Lunatic Asylum , Aradale Psychiatric Hospital LocationMcLellan Street,, ARARAT VIC 3377 - Property No B2122
File NumberB2122LevelState |
Aradale, erected as a lunatic asylum in 1864-67, its accommodation augmented in the late 1880s by the erection of detached cottages and hospitals, the instituition further enlarged during the twentieth century, and used for its original purpose until its closure in 1994, is of State cultural significance: File note 18/06/2012: B2123 & G13052 amalgamated & filed with B2122
-for its retention of early design elements typical of mid-nineteenth century asylum planning; these remnants of ha-ha or sunk walls, gate lodge, axially planned buildings, wards with airing courts and towers, main drives, and an extensive area for the farm and vegetable garden, plus farm buildings;
-for its retention of buildings from the period 1864-67 which demonstrate the earliest phase of development on the site; these include the gate lodge and fencing, administration and kitchen block, wards, verandahs and covered ways, and sunk wall;
-for its retention of buildings from the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century which demonstrate the continuing development of this site and shifts in attitudes to the treatment of psychiatric illness; these include the convalescent cottages and detached male and female hospital wards, the sunshades and fever tent, and the links with the former Ararat gaol (used as a criminal ward);
-for its collection of mature trees and plants some dating from the mid-late nineteenth century and others from the 1916 work of Hugh Linaker and later curators; these include a large collection of conifers and other mature exotic trees;
-for its considerable aesthetic qualities principally derived from the mature planting, distant views of the site, views from the site to surrounding land, the impressive scale and detailing of the early buildings;
-for its representation of the after effects of the gold era, a period of paramount importance in development of the Colony;
-for its close links with the township of Ararat; this aspect is manifest in both historical and social importance (Ararat's enonomy relied on institutions such as the gaol, railway depot, asylum and hospital) and the visual prominence of the institution located on a hill to the east of the township;
-for its long continuity of use as a psychiatric institution.
Classified: 19/10/1967
Revised: 01/08/1994
The Gate Lodge is a comparativley rare example of the Italianate in the Victorian scene , recalling the work of Sir Joseph Paxton at Edenson, Derbyshire.
Gate Lodge Classified: 29/10/1969.
Health Services
Psychiatric hospital/Mental institute/Asylum