Nylex Neon Sign


2 Gough Street,, CREMORNE VIC 3121 - Property No B7130

File Number




Statement of Significance

The Nylex sign, built in 1961 by the Neon Electric Sign Co. is of State social and historic importance.
The large sign, advertising NYLEX product 'every time', with its digital clock and temperature gauge, is one of the most prominent and well known older-style skysigns in Melbourne. It has entered the popular imagination as an integral part of our city-scape, and has even been referred to in a song by popular Melbourne singer and songwriter Paul Kelly.
It is also one of the few animated older-style neon signs to survive in Melbourne. Of these signs, there is a remarkable concentration in the Richmond area, flagging its industrial history. They include the Skipping Girl, Pelaco, Slade and, as well as the Nylex sign, and the Victoria Bitter sign on the adjacent smaller silo.
These signs have strong associations with the industrial base of the former City of Richmond, important in the economy of Melbourne, but which also contributed to the well being of the national economy. Nylex, the largest plastics manufacturer in Australia and the first established (1927), grew from premises in close proximity of the sign.
Classified: 12/11/2001


Retail and Wholesale


Advertising Sign