Former Buena Vista

Other Names

Bona Vista ,  Grantham


51 - 59 Kensington Road,, SOUTH YARRA VIC 3141 - Property No B2665

File Number




Statement of Significance

In July 1844 Edmond Charles Hobson purchased part of crown allotment adjoining the Yarra River in South Yarra. In 1884 Edmond's widow, Margaret, built Buena Vista, a 14-room house (now known as Grantham). Buena Vista was the family home until her death in 1894 when the house became the property of her son Charles P Hobson. Subsequently it was owned by William Knox and then Sir Richard Linton until 1951. The architect is not known. The house is an early example of a style in which classical and medieval elements are freely and deliberately combined. Its overall Italianate form with its square plan and hipped roof is adorned with a Tudor gabled porch, and a classical pediment at the first floor level. The corner tower suggests the French Renaissance and the windows vary from multiplepane Tudor to the flat arched classical type. During the 1920s an addition to the western face of the building contained a large ballroom and lounge.Other additions have been made to the rear since 1951. Internally little remains of siginficance with the exception of a bathroom decorated during Sir Richard Linton's ownership and marble mantel in the tower room ground floor.Additions are not included.
Classified: 20/08/1970


Residential buildings (private)

