The Willows


Reserve Road,, MELTON VIC 3337 - Property No B2482

File Number




Statement of Significance

The Willows is a house of unknown origins, its land being settled in the 1850s. Visual inspection suggests the smaller hipped section was the first house, with the larger section being later (1860s).The building is stuccoed and is apparently constructed of stone rubble, all the smooth rustication being solely stucco. There are quoins, massive voussoirs with vermiculated keystones, chimneys with dentile and buttresses.
The Willows is an unusual building being a simple house, not particularly well constructed as is evidenced by the buttresses, given extraordinarilly elaborate architectural treatment in stucco,. This elaborate detailing, including dentals to the chimneys, applied to a fairly modest Colonial style dwelling, gives the building considerable interest architecturally and also some rarity. The arrangement of the two sections is of note. The house presumably has historical associations and has townscape importance.
The Willows is being restored progressively to form a museum house set in a historical park.
Classified: 18/09/1975


Community Facilities


Community Club/ Clubhouse