Railway Viaduct Bridge over Kismet Creek

Other Name

Kismet Creek Rail Bridge


near 'Rupertswood' , SUNBURY VIC 3429 - Property No B1787

File Number




Statement of Significance

Railway Viaduct Bridge, beside Rupertswood, Sunbury, was erected c.1859 on the Melbourne-Sandhurst (now Bendigo) railway line for the Victorian Railways. Constructed of five arched spans, the bluestone faced structure has semi-circular arches on piers and there are transverse abutments to the creek. Features of the design are the prominent imposts and string courses.
Railway Viaduct bridge is a notable element in its surrounding landscape, having an important relationship with the nearby road and river bridges and with Rupertswood. The straight section of track, an important element in Sunbury, emphasises this effect. The transverse abutments are unusual and join an equally rare bluestone channel. In design terms, the structure is in the Classical Revival engineering tradition.
Railway Viaduct Bridge is in continued use, is in good condition and is intact.
Classified 'Regional': 30/10/66
Revised: 03/08/1998
See also File Number B5323 Melbourne to Echuca Railway Line.


Transport - Rail


Railway Bridge/ Viaduct