

456 Upper Heidelberg Road, HEIDELBERG VIC 3084 - Property No B1150

File Number




Statement of Significance

Serindip, 456 Upper Heidelberg Road, Heidelberg, is a single storey house believed to have been erected for Englishman John Bear circa 1859. The stuccoed brick house is constructed on bluestone foundations and has a slate roof. There is an encircling timber verandah with shaped ( later?) brackets. Sets of triple windows are located about the central doorway, all of which have architrave-type surrounds.

Serendip, 456 Upper Heidelberg Road, Heilelberg, is a substantial early house important in the history of the early settlement of the district and within the historic townscape of Heidelberg. The building is largely Colonial in style but with some Classical Revival details, notably the window surrounds. The triple window motif is most unusual and gives the hous e a distinctive appearance. The present form of the verandah columns is probably not original.

Serendip, 456 Upper Heidelberg Road, Heidelbeerg, is in good condition and is reasonably intact.

Of local significance.

First Classified 27/6/68
Revised: Classified Local 3/8/98


Residential buildings (private)

