House And Farm Complex


2645 South Gippsland Highway,TOORADIN, Casey City


Included in Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

What is significant?
The house and farm complex, comprising the house constructed c.1922 and associated outbuildings, sheds, fencing, yards and mature vegetation, at 2645 South Gippsland Highway, Tooradin.

How is it significant?
The house and farm complex at 2645 South Gippsland Highway, Tooradin is of local historic and aesthetic significance to the City of Casey.

Why is it significant?
Historically, it is significant as a rare example of an almost intact interwar farm complex comprising a homestead and related outbuildings. It demonstrates the development of primary production as a consequence of closer settlement during the interwar period. (AHC criteria A4, B2 and D2)

Aesthetically, it is significant as a rare example of an almost intact interwar farm complex. Although none of the buildings are, in themselves, individually outstanding examples of their type, the complex as a whole is remarkable for its state of preservation and forms a picturesque grouping. (AHC criterion E1)


Residential buildings (private)

