Lyndhurst Primary School No. 732 (Former)

Other Name

Lyndhurst State School No. 732


310 Dandenong-Hastings Road,LYNDHURST, Casey City


Included in Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

What is significant?
The Lyndhurst Primary School No. 732, constructed in 1888, at 310 Dandenong-Hastings Road, Lyndhurst.

How is it significant?
The Lyndhurst Primary School No. 732 (Former) is of local historic, social and aesthetic significance to the City of Casey.

Why is it significant?
Historically, it is significant as one of four examples of nineteenth century schools in the municipality. It illustrates the improvements that were made as a result of the 1872 Education Act and demonstrates the development of the Lyndhurst community during the late nineteenth century. (AHC criteria A4, B2 and D2).

Socially, it is significant as the only public building in Lyndhurst, which provided a focus for public life in the locality and is the repository of many childhood memories. (AHC criterion G1)

Aesthetically, it is significant as a well-preserved example of a late nineteenth century brick school that illustrates advances in school design at the time. (AHC criterion E1)




School - State (public)