Avenue Of Honour (Berwick Boys Grammar School)


Church Street,BERWICK, Casey City


Included in Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

What is significant?

The Berwick Boys Grammar School Avenue of Honour, located in Church Street, Berwick and planted in 1920 is Significant.  elements which contribute to the significance of the place include:

- the 2 specimens of Pin Oak
- the 5 specimens of Algerian Oak

How is it significant?

The Berwick Grammar School Avenue of Honour is of local historic, social and aesthetic significance to the City of Casey.

Why is it significant?

Historically and socially, the Berwick Grammar School Avenue of Honour illustrates the significant impact that World War 1 had upon communities in Australia. It is also important for its associations with Berwick Grammar School, which was once situated in the house opposite the Avenue. (AHC criteria A4, D2, G1 and H1)

Aesthetically, the now mature trees make an important contribution to the historic landscape character of this area. (AHC criterion E1)


Parks, Gardens and Trees


Tree groups - avenue