Other Name

House, Individual


34 FINCHLEY AVENUE,, GLENROY VIC 3046 - Property No 99371


Included in Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

What is significant?
Glenlyn, the Victorian Italianate house constructed c.1888, at 34 Finchley Avenue, Glenroy. The original typical Italiante form, materials and detailing of the house contribute to its significance. The unusual Greek key motif verandah frieze is of particular note.

Non-original alterations and additions the house, other buildings on the site and the two White Cedar trees are not significant.

How is it significant?
Glenlyn is of local historic significance to Moreland City

Why is it significant?
Glenlyn is historically significant as tangible evidence of the first period of suburban subdivision of Glenroy during the 1880s land boom, probably as part of James Chapman's Forest Hills Estate, and as one of only a small number of nineteenth century houses to survive in Glenroy. (Criteria A & B)


Residential buildings (private)

