Other Name

Presbyterian Manse, Individual


1 DEANS STREET,, COBURG VIC 3058 - Property No 39486


Included in Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

What is significant?
The former Manse, constructed c.1888 for the Coburg Presbyterian Church, at 1 Deans Street, Coburg. The form, original external detailing and materials and siting of the house contribute to its significance.

Later alterations or additions to the house are not significant.

How is it significant?
The former Manse at 1 Deans Street, Coburg is of local historic and architectural significance to Moreland City.

Why is it significant?
Historically, it is significant for its important associations with the development of the Presbyterian Church in Coburg during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, when it was occupied by Rev. Dr John Mathew, a person who is remembered for playing an active and important role in church and community life in Coburg. It is also significant as tangible evidence of the small degree of suburban development achieved in this part of Coburg during the late 19th century land boom, but prior to the economic crash of the 1890s. (Criterion A & H)

The house is architecturally significant as a fine and well-preserved example of a Victorian Italianate weatherboard villa. The high degree of external integrity enhances the significance of the house. (Criterion D)




Religious housing