Cr Harry Malcolmson Rogers Memorial Fountain

Other Name

GA Bridges Reserve


Bell Street,Coburg, Moreland City


Incl in HO area indiv sig

Statement of Significance

What is Significant
The Cr Harry Malcolmson Rogers Memorial Fountain on Bell Street Coburg.

How is it Significant
The Cr Harry Malcolmson Rogers Memorial Fountain is of local historic and aesthetic significance to the City of Moreland.

Why is it Significant
Historically, the fountain is significant for its associations with the locally important identity, Cr Harry Malcolmson Rogers who was an important figure in the civic and social life of Coburg during the interwar years, and is one of the few memorials erected in honour of a single person. It illustrates the high esteem in which he was held by his fellow citizens who raised the majority of the funds for its construction. (AHC Criterion H.1)

Aesthetically, it is significant as an outstanding example of a memorial in an exuberant art deco style, which is the only example of this style in the municipality. (AHC Criterion F.1)


Monuments and Memorials


Other - Monuments & Memorials