
1721 Blowholes Road,CAPE BRIDGEWATER, Glenelg Shire


Recommended for Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

What is significant?
The former Cape Bridgewater Presbyterian Church is located off Blowholes Road. The church was constructed in 1870 by local stonemason Joshua Black. The church is a very simple rendered stone building. The entrance is in the north elevation with a plaque inscribed with the date of construction set in the gable above. The side elevations each have two double hung sash windows. The roof is clad with corrugated iron. The interiors are much altered from the conversion into holiday accommodation. The church is in fair condition and has good degree of integrity externally, although internally the integrity is low. The church is located immediately adjacent to a large timber building (on the west side) which has been brought into the site and is not significant.

How is it significant?
The Cape Bridgewater former Presbyterian Church is of architectural, historical and social significance to the Glenelg Shire.

Why is it significant?
The former Presbyterian Church is of social significance to Cape Bridgewater area as the focus for the strong Presbyterian population who settled the area in the mid to late nineteenth century. Historically, it is significant for its association with the important local family of James Craig White,and for demonstrating the strong Presbyterian faith in the Shire. Architecturally, it demonstrates a representative example of Presbyterian churches in the late ninetieth and early twentieth centuries.



