3 Highton Grove


3 Highton Grove, Balwyn,Boroondara City


Incl in HO area contributory

Statement of Significance

HO192 Reid Estate, Balwyn

The Reid Estate, Balwyn, is an area of heritage significance for the following reasons:

- The large detached houses which adopt a range of interwar architectural styles and demonstrate a high quality of architectural design (particularly those constructed during the 1930s). This architectural quality is combined with the visually unifying factors of lot and frontage size, materials, and uniform set backs to create a cohesive and notable interwar heritage precinct.

- The place contains individually significant buildings in a range of interwar architectural styles, which have highly publicised associations with successful building designers, see, for example, Basil Hayler's houses in Highton Grove.

- The housing types and styles physically demonstrate the appeal of Balwyn as one of Melbourne's most fashionable new suburbs on the 1930s. This status was maintained in the development of areas further north and to the immediate east after 1945.

-The place is a generally intact interwar landscape containing concrete roads, mature gardens and street trees, and some original fencing.


Residential buildings (private)

