6 Alta Street


6 Alta Street, Canterbury,Boroondara City


Incl in HO area contributory

Statement of Significance

HO191 Hassett's Estate, Canterbury/Camberwell

The Hassett's Estate, Canterbury/Camberwell, is an area of heritage significance for the following reasons:

- The place was one of the outstanding subdivisions in Camberwell in the 1920s and inspired much of the later built form, subdivision patterns and street design within the former City of Camberwell.

- The place is a particularly intact and notable collection of the prevailing house styles of the period 1920s to early 1940s, with an emphasis on the interwar Mediterranean architectural style, and containing also a series of advanced Moderne designs that read as prototypes for general suburban development in post-war Australia.

- The place retains a consistency gained through municipal by-laws on house siting, lot sizes and materials.

- The place is a predominantly intact interwar landscape containing concrete roads, landscapes medians with concrete lamp standards and mature street trees.

-The place is representative of the high quality estates developed in the Eastern suburbs during the interwar period to cater for an influx of middle-class householders. The estate is also conspicuously geared to commuting, fronting a tram line and located quite close to a railway.


Residential buildings (private)

