34 Bryson Street


34 Bryson Street, Canterbury,Boroondara City


Incl in HO area contributory

Statement of Significance

HO145 Maling Road Shopping Centre and Residential Environs, Canterbury

Maling Road Shopping Centre and Residential Environs, Canterbury, is an area of heritage significance for the following reasons:

- The precinct is a comprehensive and architecturally notable illustration of the effect of the railway's arrival in the Victorian era and the railway's further development around WWI. This is expressed, in part, in the distinctive street pattern that runs axially from the Canterbury Railway Station. It is also expressed in the well preserved residential and commercial development which was largely complete by WWII.

- The Maling Road and Canterbury Road commercial strips demonstrate a high level of architectural excellence, strong Victorian, Federation and interwar-era expression and a high degree of visual cohesion. The Maling Road strip also contains individually notable buildings that have a high degree of integrity and landmark value; the Post Office (1908), the Canterbury Theatre (1912) and Malone's Hotel (1889).

- The place is a highly representative Victorian and Federation-era residential precinct with individually notable houses. The precinct is interspersed with strong and well preserved interwar elements that offer an historic and architectural contrast and create streetscapes of high aesthetic interest.

- The precinct contains well preserved residential and commercial examples from the 1920s-30s, which reflects the premier status of Camberwell as an urban growth area during that period.

- The precinct has an historic association with Terry & Oakden, the designers of the original Claremont Park Estate and one of Victoria's most important architectural firms, and other important architects of the time such as Ward and Carleton and Ussher and Kemp.

- The precinct includes public landscaping elements such as asphalt paving, basalt pitching, kerbs, channels and mature trees and garden plantings, some of which date from the beginnings of the Claremont Park and Highfield Estates.


Residential buildings (private)

