House and outbuildings


431 Somerset Park Road, STRATHFIELDSAYE VIC 3551 - Property No 220517


Included in Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

What is significant?

431 Somerset Park Road, Strathfieldsaye including the brick two storey house built c.1900, and the outbuildings including the blacksmith's shop, worker's hut, machinery shed, dairy and milking shed are significant.

How is it significant?

431 Somerset Park Road is of historic and architectural significance to the City of Greater Bendigo.

Why is it significant?

431 Somerset Park Road is historically significant for its association with Thomas Somerville who established an orchard on the property in 1907. Prior to his ownership the property was held by Bendigo butcher Charles Read from 1887, and it was probably in Thomas Clancy's ownership prior to this date, when a number of the outbuildings were constructed. It has not been established whether the house dates from the Read or Clancy period of ownership, however from photographic evidence it can be assumed that it was prior to 1896. Criterion A

The outbuildings are significant for their demonstration of the evolution of a substantial farming property close to the urban edge of Bendigo. The well watered land by nearby Axe Creek allowed an agricultural industry to develop that required several early outbuildings probably dating from Clancy's ownership (including the dairy, milking shed and blacksmiths workshop), and the workers hut probably dating from Somerville's ownership when the property was used for an orchard.

The house is significant for its flamboyant Queen Anne design displaying many architectural brickwork details found in urban buildings in Bendigo. This is reportedly a design of architect Mr Ovey. The arched detail on the chimneys is unusual, and the house exhibits tile patterning, diaper brickwork, elaborate bargeboards and festoon decoration. The verandah has been built in with a timber and glazed wall, although the cast iron verandah is apparently still intact. Criterion E


Residential buildings (private)

