Shop and Residence




Included in Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

What is significant?
The shop and residence at 4 Knowsley-Eppalock Road, Knowsley, including all the fabric of weatherboard building is significant.

How is it significant?
The shop and residence at 4 Knowsley-Eppalock Road, Knowsley, is of local historic and aesthetic significance for the City of Greater Bendigo.

Why is it significant?
The shop and residence at 4 Knowsley-Eppalock Road, Knowsley is historically significant as part of the original Campaspe Plains run. The site is an important representative example of the gradual break-up of large parcels of land and subdivision into smaller allotments in the mid to late nineteenth century. The weatherboard building is a vernacular structure built after 1877 and possibly as late as 1893 by local butcher William Henry Evans in 1892 as a retail premises with accommodations for himself and his family at the rear. The building was also used at a later date as a butcher's shop by the Harrop Brothers, but other uses of the shop and residence are not known. Criterion A

The position of the small shop, built on the street line at the front of the building, and the series of gabled roofs, on the several wings of the shop and residence is of architectural significance. The mature peppercorn trees in close proximity contribute to the setting of the building but are not considered significant. 4 Knowsley Eppalock Road is located on a key corner at the entrance to the township of Knowsley, and this building and the former hotel at 11 Knowsley Eppalock Road define Knowsley from the highway. Criterion D


Residential buildings (private)


Other - Residential Buildings (private)