Central Park Shopping Centre Precinct

Other Name

Centred on Wattletree and Burke Roads, Malvern East


Wattletree and Burke Roads MALVERN EAST, Stonnington City


Included in Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

The Central Park shops were established to cater mainly for the needs of local residents in this rapidly developing East Malvern area, bu also for visitors to Central Park. The Wattletree Road tram had a direct impact on the development of the area, and in particular the establishment of the shops.

The Central Park shops are of social significance as they play an important role in the community and in their relationship to the adjacent tram line and Central Park. In their context, they illustrate the typical early twentieth century interdependence between the development of suburban housing, recreation facilities, public transport and the smaller shopping strip.

The precinct is important for the degree to which it retains its building stock, scale and general character from the 1910s, 1920s and 1930s, undiluted by more recent development. It is a fine and representative exemplar of typical suburban commercial properties of these decades. The location of the precinct, intermediate between Central Park and the Gascoigne, Ranfurlie, Hedgeley Dene and Valentine Estates, adds to its importance, and renders it crucial to an appreciation of the development of these significant contingent areas.


Retail and Wholesale


Retail or Wholesale Precinct