

49 Mt Pleasant Road, BELMONT VIC 3216 - Property No 233627


Included in Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

C Listed - Local Significance

The house at 49 Mount Pleasant Road is aesthetially significant at a LOCAL level. It demonstrates original design qualities of the Edwardian style. These qualities include the dominant hipped roof form, together with a gable roof that projects towards the street frontage and a recessed return verandah formed under the main roof. Other intact qualities include the weatherboard wall cladding, galvanised corrugated iron roof cladding, two tall red brick chimneys with rendered banding and terra cotta pots, wide eaves, timber framed double hung windows, timber verandah posts and timber fretwork? valance, worked timber brackets supporting the window hood under the gable, window leadlighting, gable brackets and the gable infill (stucco work, battening and brackets). The house also makes a significant contribution to the predominantly single storey Edwardian and interwar Californian Bungalow streetscape.

The site at 49 Mount Pleasant Road is historically significant at a LOCAL level. It is associated with one of the earliest landholders in Belmont, J. Herd, who appears to have owned this land until the 1890s.

Overall, the house and site at 49 Mount Pleasant Road are of LOCAL significance.


1. Shire of South Barwon Rate Books, 1906-07, 1907-12, 1912-13, 1913-14, 1914-22, 1922-28.

2. Sands & McDougall's Directory of Victoria, 1934, 1957, 1972.

3. Kardinia Extended Estate Subdivision plan, 24 October, 1891, B5/100, Geelong Historical RecordsCentre.

4. Drainage Plans and Inspector's Reports, 1928, Barwon Water Profis system.

5. Pescott, South Barwon 1857-1985


Residential buildings (private)

