

5 Francis Street, BELMONT Vic 3216 - Property No 226799


Included in Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

C Listed - Local Significance

The house at 5 Francis Street is aesthetically significant at a LOCAL level. It demonstrates original design qualities of the Edwardian style. These qualities include the dominant hipped roof form, together with a gable roof that projects towards the street frontage, and a recessed hipped verandah under the main roof. Other intact qualities include the weatherboard wall cladding, corbelled brick chimney with two terra cotta pots, timber framed windows arranged as a pair under the projecting gable and as single windows under the verandah, window hood and supporting brackets, highlight above the main entrance, worked timber verandah columns with timber fretwork valance, gable brackets, and the decorative gable infill (stucco work, battening and brackets). The house also makes a significant contribution to the single storey streetscape of mixed Edwardian, interwar Californian Bungalow and postwar homes.

The house at 5 Francis Street is historically significant at a LOCAL level. It is associated with the Waverley Estate subdivision of 14 December, 1886.

Overall, the house at 5 Francis Street is of LOCAL significance.


Residential buildings (private)

