
76-82 Mitchell St NORTHCOTE, Darebin City

File Number

Darebin Database #362


Included in Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

What is significant?
The four dwelling terrace at 76-82 Mitchell Street, Northcote, situated at the base of Rucker's Hill and built in 1889 by the dairy farmer Gibson.

How is it significant?
The four dwelling terrace at 76-82 Mitchell Street, Northcote is historically and aesthetically significant to Darebin City

Why is it significant?
It is historically significant (Criterion A) for its association with Gibson, an early farmer and dairyman in the area, and for its capacity to demonstrate the entrepreneurial activities of a successful settler during the Land Boom, Gibson retaining possession throughout the Depression years.

It is aesthetically significant (Criterion E) as an unusual terraced development in its locale, of meagre proportions commensurate with the workers it was built to accommodate and enhanced by its substantially intact state.


Residential buildings (private)

