Other Name



15 Dunlop Street DUNKELD, Southern Grampians Shire

File Number



Stage 2 study complete

Statement of Significance

What is significant?
The former Hampton Store is located on a prominent corner on the main thoroughfare in Dunkeld, Wills Street. The building is a single storey asymmetrical timber store which has been built in several stages. There are six pane display windows and timber french doors on the Wills Street frontage. A number of Interwar signs advertising 'Medallion Products' remain on the display windows, illustrating the previous use as a Supermarket. The store has a corrugated iron verandah supported by simple timber posts extending over Wills Street, and corrugated iron roofs, hipped on the rear section of the building, and simple gables on the section fronting Wills Street. The building was constructed in the 1870s by Bull & Son, when it was known as the Dunkeld Store. The building was burnt in the late nineteenth century and rebuilt. It was owned by the Hampton family in the twentieth century, and operated for some time as a Supermarket. The structure is no longer used for commercial purposes. It is in good condition, and retains a very high degree of integrity from the early twentieth century.

How is it significant?
The former Hampton's Store is of historical significance to the township of Dunkeld and the Southern Grampians Shire.

Why is it significant?
The former Hampton's Store is of historical significance as a reminder of a more prosperous time within the township, when it was able to support a local Supermarket. It is of further historical significance for the remaining signs on the display windows, which are relatively rare, and indicate a previous use of the building. It is also of historical significance for its long history as a commercial premises which was important to the provisioning of those who lived in the township as well as on remote properties for over 100 years.


Retail and Wholesale

