
off Strathkellar Road STRATHKELLAR, Southern Grampians Shire

File Number



Stage 2 study complete

Statement of Significance

What is significant?
The Strathkellar State School No. 3536 and residence are located off Strathkellar Road. The school house is a one roomed school building, typical of its era in form and style. The interior of the school is essentially intact, and little altered from the original. The single storey timber teacher's residence, has been altered somewhat. Both buildings are in very good condition, and retain a high degree of integrity.

How is it significant?
The former Strathkellar State School No. 3536 and teacher's is of historical, social and architectural significance to the Southern Grampians Shire.

Why is it significant?
The former Strathkellar State School and residence is historically significant as a rare surviving example of a rural school and residence, which retain a high degree of integrity. It seems certain that the State School No 3536 and teacher's residence and the adjacent Strathkellar Public Hall, Mechanics Institute were built not so much as a result of the earlier subdivision of the Strathkellar, Croxton and Warrayure runs for selection but the increase in population following closer settlement at the turn of the century. This is reinforced by the style and detailing of the various buildings and the plantings in their gardens. The school complex provides a tangible link to the Closer Settlement era at the turn of the century. The school is a physical expression of the population boom which resulted from Closer Settlement, and which created social and economic prosperity hitherto and subsequently unknown in the area. The school complex has architectural significance as a rare surviving example of a typical rural school facility dating from the turn of the century period. The complex retains a high degree of integrity in its exterior and interior fabric, style and materials.




School - State (public)