Williams Fancy Co


Berringa-Dereel Road BERRINGA, Golden Plains Shire


Heritage Inventory Site

Statement of Significance

Victorian Heritage Register
Contextual History:History of Place:
Heritage Inventory History of Site:
William's Fancy Reef (or Nil Desperandum Reef), Kangaroo (later Berringa), Southern Division,
1877: co-operative party of 13 men formed to secure an area north of the Nil Desperandum Company and
formerly held by the Williams' Fancy and Early Dawn companies.
30.09.1877: 58 ounces 11 pennyweight of gold obtained from a trial crushing of 141 tons of stone crushed;
taken from a formation 8 feet wide at 90 feet from the surface
31.12.1877: 250 ounces 18 pennyweight 15 grains of gold obtained from 1003 tons of stone crushed; taken
from a formation 7 feet wide at 103 feet from the surface.
03.1878: erecting 10 head battery.
13.05.1878: plant erected crushing commenced.
30.06.1878: 190 ounces 3 pennyweight of gold obtained from 620 tons of stone crushed; taken from a
formation 7 feet wide at 140 feet from the surface.

30.09.1878: 261 ounces 14 pennyweight 2 grains of gold obtained from 1605 tons of stone crushed; taken
from a formation 8 feet wide at 140 feet from the surface.
31.12.1878: 221 ounces 4 pennyweight 12 grains of gold obtained from 1350 tons of stone crushed; taken
from a formation 8 feet wide at 130 feet from the surface.
1878: After Dark claim to the north purchased in order to secure a further 600 feet along the line of the reef;
now in possession of 1050 feet along the reef.
31.03.1879: 177 ounces 16 pennyweight 3 grains of gold obtained from 1270 tons of stone crushed; taken
from a formation 6 feet wide at 140 feet from the surface.
30.06.1879: 215 ounces 13 pennyweight 18 grains of gold obtained from 1400 tons of stone crushed; taken
from a formation 10 feet wide at 130 feet from the surface.
30.09.1879: 154 ounces 5 pennyweight 18 grains of gold obtained from 900 tons of stone crushed; taken from
a formation 6 feet wide at 130 feet from the surface.
struck some excellent stone in a winze at the bottom level will have to deepen the shaft to work it.
31.12.1879: 161 ounces 15 pennyweight 18 grains of gold obtained from 1145 tons of stone crushed; taken
from a formation 7 feet wide at 140 feet from the surface.
1879: profitable results obtained and the claim paid good wages.
31.03.1880: 18 ounces 0 pennyweight 3 grains of gold obtained from 250 tons of stone crushed; taken from a
formation 6 feet wide at 140 feet from the surface.
operations delayed because of a lack of water.
30.06.1880: 76 ounces 6 pennyweight 6 grains of gold obtained from 840 tons of stone crushed; taken from a
formation 7 feet wide at 150 feet from the surface.
30.09.1880: 21 ounces 19 pennyweight 14 grains of gold obtained from 600 tons of stone crushed; taken from
a formation 7 feet wide at 150 feet from the surface.
mine let to tributers who sank the shaft 20 feet opened out and are now driving for the lode in very hard
31.12.1880: 104 ounces 14 pennyweight 6 grains of gold obtained from 987 tons of stone crushed; taken from
a formation 7 feet wide at 150 feet from the surface.
1880: yields decreased and the mine was let on tribute.
12.1880: tributers struck the lode, but gold is very scarce.
31.03.1881: 165 ounces 2 pennyweight 15 grains of gold obtained from 880 tons of stone crushed; taken from
a formation 7 feet wide at 150 feet from the surface; tributers sank the shaft further and eventually obtained
payable stone 20 feet wide at a depth of 190 feet.
tributers are getting better yields; the last crushing gave them £5 4s per man for the fortnight.
30.06.1881: 155 ounces 11 pennyweight 6 grains of gold obtained from 1100 tons of stone crushed; taken
from a formation 8 feet wide at 170 feet from the surface.
tributers have worked out the present level and are sinking deeper.
09.1880: tributers have sunk the shaft to 190 feet and struck a lode showing gold which went a further 20 in
31.12.1881: 271 ounces 14 pennyweight 18 grains of gold obtained from 760 tons of stone crushed; taken
from a formation 20 feet wide at 190 feet from the surface.
31.03.1882: 160 ounces 6 pennyweight 6 grains of gold obtained from 450 tons of stone crushed; taken from a
formation 6 feet wide at 190 feet from the surface.
quantity raised by tributers is less than usual because of the foul air.
31.06.1882: 177 ounces 4 pennyweight 22 grains of gold obtained from 1090 tons of stone crushed.
30.09.1882: 184 ounces 18 pennyweight 17 grains of gold obtained from 403 tons of stone crushed; taken
from a formation 8 feet wide at 190 feet from the surface.
09.1882: yields began to decrease as the upper levels became worked out.
preparing to sink deeper; purchased a winding and pumping plant.
12.1882: winding and pumping plant erected; mine let on tribute to a party of 14 men who have cleared out and
repaired the old shaft down 190 feet; they intend sinking to 232 feet.
03.1883: shaft sunk to 232 feet; opening out for the lode which is expected at 85 to 90 feet; ground is very hard
and wet.
30.06.1883: 68 ounces 17 pennyweight 21 grains of gold obtained from 389 tons of stone crushed; taken from
a formation 8 feet wide at 220 feet from the surface.
tributers have struck the lode which is 8 foot wide.
30.09.1883: 219 ounces 10 pennyweight 15 grains of gold obtained from 817 tons of stone crushed; taken
from a formation 10 feet wide at 220 feet from the surface.
the stone is being raised by the tributers and it is improving as it goes south.
31.12.1883: 361 ounces 12 pennyweight 18 grains of gold obtained from 1020 tons of stone crushed; taken
from a formation 10 feet wide at 220 feet from the surface.
tributers have done remarkably well and their prospects are excellent.

31.03.1884: 270 ounces 0 pennyweight 3 grains of gold obtained from 859 tons of stone crushed; taken from a
formation 12 feet wide at 220 feet from the surface.
30.06.1884: 175 ounces 19 pennyweight 0 grains of gold obtained from 865 tons of stone crushed; taken from
a formation 10 feet wide at 215 feet from the surface.
06.1884: shaft sunk to 232 feet where, in a cross cut, payable stone was obtained in a crosscut which
improved southwards and yielded highly profitable results up to this time.
30.09.1884: 43 ounces 10 pennyweight 0 grains of gold obtained from 145 tons of stone crushed; taken from a
formation 10 feet wide at 220 feet from the surface.
tribute given up and the mine has been idle for the past 2 months of this last quarter; company are pumping
water out of the mine and preparing to resume work.
31.12.1884: 70 ounces 15 pennyweight 12 grains of gold obtained from 222 tons of stone crushed; taken from
a formation 10 feet wide at 220 feet from the surface.
suspended operations.
1885: the payable run of stone dipped underfoot, the tributers abandoned their work, the company
commenced to prospect, but finding nothing payable, suspended operations.
03.1886: winding and crushing plant were sold and removed to Smythesdale
23.08.1895: taken up again by a Ballarat party.
23.03.1900: will put in pumps to allow sinking to resume.
20.07.1900: company successfully floated; a pumping plant has been acquired and will be removed and reerected,
and a 9 inch lift will be used.
(new company - Williams' Fancy Company)
1900: company formed to work the Williams' Fancy or Nil Desperandum Reef between the Birthday lease on
the south and the Kangaroo lease on the north. The area of the lease was 118 acres 3 roods and 11 perches,
with a length along the reef of about 50 chains. A new shaft was sunk and equipped with winding and pumping
27.07.1900: preparing pump foundations.
31.08.1900: engine foundations and bob pit are finished.
09.11.1900: pumping plant is complete and work will be resumed toward the end of the week.
31.12.1900 : erecting suitable machinery.
26.04.1901: a new working barrel has been put in and pumping will be resumed.
12.10.1901: a small battery - Banham's - has been purchased and will be utilised until the permanent mill is
26.10.1901: the Hoare Brothers have won the contract to dismantle the battery from the Rice's Freehold mine
and re-erect it at the mine.
16.11.1901: cleaned up the small battery; parts of the permanent battery have arrived at the site.
07.12.1901: the Hoare Bros are making good progress erecting the new battery.
12.1901: 169 ounces 18 pennyweight 12 grains obtained from a trial crushing of 389.5 tons of stone taken
from No. 1 level.
1901: a 6 head battery was purchased, situated some distance from the mine, and used for trial crushings.
01.03.1902: both batteries are crushing material from the lode.
06.1902: 1236 ounces 13 pennyweight of gold obtained from 3588 tons of stone taken from Nos. 1 and 2
levels and stopes.
27.09.1902: additional 10 head of stampers to the battery are almost complete.
03.11.1902: fault found by the original company is expected to be met soon; north slope continuant seems
better than south; extending crosscut in bottom level to determine where water is draining from; a drive was
started south on the course of the lode; the face is continuing slope and slate, and favourable prospects for
gold are obtained.
10.11.1902: manager reports that gold has been found.
17.11.1902: very low yields are expected to improve when the new equipment is ready.
24.11.1902: battery boiler has sprung a leak and crushing has been delayed; hope to resume operations
today; operations underground have been limited as a result; there is not sufficient storage capacity in the
battery to keep the men fully employed.
29.11.1902: additions to the battery to be finished in three weeks.
08.12.1902: battery boiler built in and housed; erection of additional stamps well forward.
12.1902: 1131 ounces 5 pennyweight of gold obtained from 6055 tons of stone taken from Nos. 1 and 2 levels.
1902: during the year as the yield from the trial crushings proved satisfactory a 10 head battery was purchased
and erected near the shaft.
the underground workings showed the existence of a large body of low grade ore which could only be treated
successfully by increasing the battery by an additional 10 heads.
trial crushing from a body of stone 12 feet wide left by the Kangaroo Company on the lease boundary yielded
52 ounces 3 pennyweights from 321.5 tons of stone. As this was not as rich as stone obtained nearer to the

shaft, this block of ground was let to the Kangaroo Company on tribute in 1904.
10.01.1903: additional 10 head of stamps nearly complete, when finished it will reduce the costs of treatment
to 3 dwt per ton.
19.01.1903: another boiler has been added and within a fortnight they expect to have 20 head of stamps
31.01.1903: commenced crushing with the 20 head battery on Tuesday, the increased power will reduce the
cost of crushing.
06.1903: 1794 ounces of gold obtained from 9152 tons of stone taken from a reef 4 feet wide in the stopes
between Nos. 1 and 2 levels.
12.1903: 2188 ounces of gold obtained from 10,560 tons of stone taken from the stopes between Nos. 1 and 2
levels, and from the drives at these levels.
1903: 20 head battery .
30.04.1904: two new steel ropes 1500 foot by 0.825 inches in diameter have been put onto the drums.
06.1904: 2296 ounces of gold obtained from 10,058 tons of stone taken from the stopes above No. 1 level and
between Nos. 1 and 2 levels, and from the drives.
11.1904: 2418 ounces of gold obtained from 9958 tons of stone taken from a reef averaging 4 feet wide in the
stopes above No. 1 level and between Nos. 1 and 2 levels, and from the drive at No. 3 level.
28.11.1904: the mine will shortly be fitted with electric light; the plant has arrived and it is likely that it will be
installed within a fortnight.
1904 : 20 head battery; a second block of about 56 acres was obtained on the western side.
08.05.1905: to reduce the cost of handling the stone at the battery, the company is negotiating to introduce
stone crushers, elevators and self-feeders; there was a short stoppage at the mill when one of the spur wheels
10.06.1905: developing well.
24.06.1905: yielding 6 dwt per ton, with the cost of treatment at 14/- per ton giving 2.5 dwt per ton as profit and
resulting in a dividend of 6d per month.
06.1905: 3180 ounces 15 pennyweight of gold obtained from 11,401 tons of stone taken from level Nos. 1 to 4,
and from the stopes between Nos. 1 and 3 levels.
14,295 ounces 9 pennyweights of gold obtained from 53,691 tons of stone crushed to date, with £7,800 paid in
11.12.1905: old pinion wheel stripped, will have a new one in before today.
1905: 20 head battery.
during 1905 rock breaker and self feeders added.
02.04.1906: putting in opening sets in the main shaft.
16.04.1906: the west plat in the main shaft was cut-off and the mine closed down for 2 days.
22.06.1906: 3348 ounces 16 pennyweight of gold obtained from 12,763 tons of stone.
26.07.1906: built the pier for the condenser and the foundation for the boiler.
13.08.1906: good progress with the new battery; boiler built in.
27.08.1906: good progress with the battery housing; the hopper frames are nearly complete.
10.09.1906: battery and mine closed down while repairs are made to the battery.
24.09.1906: battery repaired and started work below in the 20 September; the 20 head battery was also
working with condenser attached; the new battery will be completed in five weeks.
13.11.1906: main shaft stopped while repairing the winder.
18.12.1906: 2710 ounces 3 pennyweight of gold obtained from 11,563 tons of stone.
1906: 20 head battery; 10 head of stampers added to the battery together with the necessary economical
additions to the plant making it very complete and up-to-date.
shaft sunk to a depth of 600 feet and No. 5 level opened at 597 feet. £3,600 was paid in dividends and
extensive additions were made to the plant; an extra 10 head of stampers were added to the battery to
increase the number to 30.
1907: 30 head battery.
No. 4 level down 498 feet from the surface; equipped with complete crushing and gold-saving appliances;
surface works lit by electric light; pumping machinery erected.
16.06.1908: 2184 ounces 14 pennyweight of gold obtained from 10,871 tons of stone.
15.12.1908: 2454 ounces 9 pennyweight of gold obtained from 14,489 tons of stone.
1908 : 30 head battery.
15.06.1909: 2172 ounces 5 pennyweight of gold obtained from 14,966 tons of stone.
02.08.1909: a suction gas plant has been delivered and good progress is being made erecting the plant; most
of the heavy plant has arrive and in a week or two a public trail will be made; the following advertisement also
appeared in the same edition:
'As manufactured by Tangye, Ltd. The cheapest motive power known; working successfully in your own city;
particulars from site representatives; Benning Tear and Co., Abbeckett St. Melbourne.'

06.09.1909: trial of the suction gas plant was successful; the concentration machinery with the battery is
expected to arrive today or tomorrow.
12.09.1909: connection nearly finished and everyone is interested in how well the suction gas plant will
04.10.1909: the suction gas plant has operated successfully during the week; the 30 head of battery is working
smoothly, and there is sufficient power generated by the engine for another 30 head of stamps.
05.11.1909: ropes from the gas plant are causing a problem; need to be respliced and adjusted.
13.11.1909: held up for 30 hours after an accident to the gas plant.
12.1909: 1850 ounces 8 pennyweight of gold obtained from 12,670 tons of stone.
1909 : 30 head battery.
a suction gas plant was installed during the year and proved a success in reducing operating costs.
11.06.1910: 1835 ounces 14 pennyweight of gold obtained from 15,265 tons of stone.
10.12.1910: 2372 ounces 2 pennyweight of gold obtained from 14,095 tons of stone.
1910 : 30 head battery.
11.06.1911: 2053 ounces 9 pennyweight of gold obtained from 12,752 tons of stone.
10.12.1911: 1835 ounces 7 pennyweight of gold obtained from 12,989 tons of stone.
1911: 30 head battery.
10.06.1912: 1507 ounces 15 pennyweight of gold obtained from 8948 tons of stone.
10.12.1912: 2444 ounces 11 pennyweight of gold obtained from 8748 tons of stone.
1912: 30 head battery.
the shaft was deepened and No. 7 level opened at a depth of 800 feet.
06.06.1913: 3075 ounces 14 pennyweight of gold obtained from 9761 tons of stone.
12.1913: 4436 ounces 10 pennyweight of gold obtained from 13,260 tons of stone.
1913 : 30 head battery.
05.06.1914: 3944 ounces 17 pennyweight of gold obtained from 10,323 tons of stone.
05.12.1914: 4155 ounces 16 pennyweight of gold obtained from 11,777 tons of stone.
1914 : 30 head battery; the stamp battery was remodelled; new winding machinery erected and the shaft
deepened by a lift of 200 feet; prosperity seems assured judging by the ore reserves in sight.
operations during the year were particularly successful; £12,600 were paid in dividends. An air compressor, a
Root's blower and engine, and two high pressure boilers were added to the plant.
06.1915: 2997 ounces 4 pennyweight of gold obtained from 12,004 tons of stone.
12.1915: 2946 ounces 14 pennyweight of gold obtained from 10,683 tons of stone.
1915: £4,200 were paid in dividends and a new winding engine was erected.
10.06.1916: 2092 ounces 2 pennyweight of gold obtained from 6436 tons of stone.
13.12.1916: 1613 ounces 17 pennyweight of gold obtained from 5879 tons of stone.
07.1917 : mine closed down, with existing stopes exhausted.
1917: mine closed; machinery and plant sold off .
1897 to 1917: an example of low mining costs when in operation, for many years these low costs largely
responsible for the mines continuing to operate; from June 1906 to June 1913 no dividends were paid but the
mine continued to work with comparatively large crushings; in 1912 better grade ore was located south of he
shaft and in three years the shareholders were paid better returns than for the previous ten years; the plant
was remodelled and a vigorous prospecting and development scheme entered into, but the value of the ore fell
away rapidly and the mine closed down; in the twenty years of operation a large amount of driving and cross
cutting was carried out; 1200 feet of drives were put in both north and south, and crosscuts embraced over
1000 feet were put out; from its inception until 1907: calls totalled £12,000, dividends amounted to £15,600,
total yield of 28,690 ozs from 114,728 tons of ore; then between 1907 and 1917: calls totalled £12,000,
dividends amounted to £47,400, total yield of 76,912 ozs from 315,735 tons of ore, and wages paid during this
period amounted to £200,000.


Mining and Mineral Processing


Gold Mining Site