Shops and Residence at 151-153 Nelson Place


151-153 Nelson Place WILLIAMSTOWN, Hobsons Bay City


Incl in HO area contributory

Statement of Significance

What is Significant?

The shops and residences, designed by Michael Egan and constructed in 1860, at 151-153 Nelson Place, Williamstown.

How is it Significant?

The shops and residences at 151-153 Nelson Place, Williamstown are of local historic and aesthetic significance to the City of Hobsons Bay.

Why is it Significant?

Historically, they are among the oldest shops in Nelson Place and illustrate the early development of the street during the most prosperous period of the Port. They are also important fortheir associations with Thomas Mason. (AHC criteria A4 and H1)

Aesthetically, although altered at ground level, they are significant as a distinguishably early Victorian commercial building with rare features such as the undivided hipped roof, which contributes to the historic Nelson Place streetscape. (AHC criteria E1 and F1)


Residential buildings (private)

