Uniting Church


376 Wallington Rd, WALLINGTON VIC 3221 - Property No 256978


Included in Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

C Listed - Local Significance


The Wesleyan Methodist Church Wallington was built in 1888 and designed by Geelong architect A J Derrick and built by Mr Butler of Drysdale. It is a small weatherboard building in the Victorian Carpenter Gothic style with scalloped decorative bargeboards.

It is of aesthetic, social and historic significance to the local community .

The Wesleyan Methodist Church, now a Uniting Church , replaced an earlier church on the site and represents the religious and social importance of the Methodist denomination to the small agricultural farmers of the Wallington area. It is a smaller version of the church designed for the same denomination by AJ Derrick at Ocean Grove, and is similarly aesthetically pleasing . It is of LOCAL cultural significance.


References 1 Wynd, I. 1988 Balawein The history of the Shire of Belarine, p.107 2. Kemp, B 125 Years of Christian Witness, pA 3. The Spectator 11.5.1888 quoted in Kemp B ,op cit Lorraine Huddle Renate Howe Ros Lewis Karyn Francis CENTRE FOR AUSTRALIAN STUDIES DEAKIN UNIVERSITY 1996 BELLARINE HERITAGE STUDY RECORD SHEET



