Barwon Heads Community Hall


79 Hitchcock Avenue, BARWON HEADS VIC 3227 - Property No 229820


Included in Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

C Listed - Local Significance

The Barwon Heads Public Hall at 77 Hitchcock Avenue is aesthetically significant at a LOCAL level. It demonstrates design qualities of the interwar Hall Bungalow style including the dominant gable roof form that terminates into a small, central projecting hipped roof wing on the east end. Other intact qualities include the concrete tile roof cladding, series of galvanised iron ventilation stacks, wide eaves and exposed rafters, windows along the north and south facades, timber framed doors and openings doors on the east facade, unpainted red brickwork to sill level along the north and south facades and parts of the east facade and to door height on the projecting wing of the east facade with a cement rendered finish above, Barwon Heads Hall signage, stringcourse on the central east wing, and the gable infill panelling and battening. The Barwon Heads Public Hall at 77 Hitchcock Avenue is historically and socially significant at a LOCAL level. It is of importance for its association with the development of Barwon Heads into a seaside resort in the early twentieth century and is recognised and valued by the community for its associations with recreational pursuits. Overall, the Barwon Heads Public Hall at 77 Hitchcock Avenue is of LOCAL significance. It is highly recommended that a Conservation Management Plan be carried out on the property. Statement of Cultural Significance


1. The hall does not feature on the Plan of the Flinders Estate, 1887, but is present on the map of the Barwon Heads Estate, 30 March, 1891. These maps are in the collection of the Geelong Historical Records Centre. 2. J. Pescott, South Barwon 18571985, City of South Barwon, Belmont, 1985, p.159. 3. Barwon Heads Improvements, in the Geelong Advertiser, 30 June, 1934. References




Church Hall